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Undergraduate Admissions
Schenectady Community College

以下转学衔接指南(TAG)显示了转学课程的要求 for all 网赌平台 majors. 学生应将课程要求与课程列表相匹配 approved course equivalents. 有关的进一步信息,请参阅下面的注释 博彩平台网赌平台与本机构之间的转让协议.

如有疑问,请致电:1-315-470-6600或填写 Information Request Form



我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.


对1+1衔接协议感兴趣的学生可获得一个副学士学位 游骑兵学校的课程应该完成以下课程:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141
生物II / Lab或化学I / Lab或物理I / Lab 4 credits BIO142 * or CHM113 or CHM121 or PHY153
English Composition I 3 credits ENG123
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167 or MAT180
SUNY Gen Ed: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice 3 credits Any approved course

* Students planning to continue in the B.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. degree should complete BIO142 for their biology requirement.

NOTE:  建立一个全日制的时间表(每学期至少12个学分)和/或准备 要继续攻读网赌平台的学士学位课程,请联系本科办公室 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件: 为你的网赌平台学士学位课程选择合适的课程提供建议 of study.  这些额外的课程不计入副学士学位要求.

Forest Technology

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.


对1+1衔接协议感兴趣的学生可获得一个副学士学位 游骑兵学校的课程应该完成以下课程:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141
生物II / Lab或化学I / Lab或物理I / Lab 4 credits BIO142 * or CHM113 or CHM121 or PHY153
English Composition I 3 credits ENG123
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167 or MAT180
SUNY Gen Ed: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice 3 credits Any approved course

* Students planning to continue in the B.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. degree should complete BIO142 for their biology requirement.

NOTE:  建立一个全日制的时间表(每学期至少12个学分)和/或准备 要继续攻读网赌平台的学士学位课程,请联系本科办公室 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件: 为你的网赌平台学士学位课程选择合适的课程提供建议 of study.  这些额外的课程不计入副学士学位要求.

Land Surveying Technology

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.


对1+1衔接协议感兴趣的学生可获得一个副学士学位 游骑兵学校的课程应该完成以下课程:

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141 or BIO142 *
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
English Composition I 3 credits ENG123
英语写作II或英语文学 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Trigonometry 3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167 or MAT180
SUNY Gen Ed: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice 3 credits Any approved course

* Students planning to continue in the B.S. 森林资源管理学位课程 或者自然资源管理.A.S. degree should complete BIO142 for their biology requirement.

NOTE:  建立一个全日制的时间表(每学期至少12个学分)和/或准备 要继续攻读网赌平台的学士学位课程,请联系本科办公室 电话:315-470-6600或电子邮件: 为你的网赌平台学士学位课程选择合适的课程提供建议 of study.  这些额外的课程不计入副学士学位要求.


Aquatic and Fisheries Science

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 16 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO262
Global Environment 3 credits

ENV100 or ENV205

Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM228
有机化学II /实验室或物理II /实验室或微积分II 4 credits CHM229 or PHY154 or MAT181
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.


我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Electives 9 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 3 credits BIO262
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Math Elective 3 credits MAT240 or MAT147
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY153 & PHY154
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

Bioprocess Engineering

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141
Calculus I, II, III 12 credits MAT180 & MAT181 & MAT240
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Computer Programming 3 credits CIS129 or CIS133 or CIS134 or CIS246
Differential Equations 3 credits MAT244
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM228
Physics I and II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY221 and PHY222
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  


我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Electives 23 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO262
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
微生物(EFB303环境微生物学) 4 credits BIO241
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229 *
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY153 & PHY154 *
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

*完成所需的有机化学或物理序列(或两者) prior to transfer to the B.S. 生物技术将大大提高课程安排 以及在网赌平台注册后完成学位的时间. A strong overall academic record 成功完成这些序列中的任何一个或两个也会提高你的智商 申请人进入本学位课程的可能性.

Chemical Engineering

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology II w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141
Calculus I, II, III 12 credits MAT180 & MAT181 & MAT240
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Computer Programming 3 credits CIS129 or CIS133 or CIS134 or CIS246
Differential Equations 3 credits MAT244
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229
Physics I and II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY221 and PHY222
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits


我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Electives 13 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Math Elective 3 credits * See note
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY153 & PHY154
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

*数学选修课的例子有微积分III(推荐)、统计学、微分 equations, and linear algebra. 请咨询网赌平台招生办公室寻求帮助 with course selection.

Conservation Biology

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Electives 22 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 4 credits BIO262
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.

Construction Management

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Business and Managerial Law 3 credits BUS121
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHM121 or CHM113
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 15-18 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Accounting 3 credits ACC121 or ACC122
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Physics w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Principles of Management 3 credits MGT123
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking  3 credits SPE121 or COM105
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

Environmental Biology

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Electives 28 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 3 credits BIO262
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM228
有机化学II /实验室或物理II /实验室或微积分II 4 credits CHM229 or PHY154 or MAT181
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.

Student Note: 环境生物学要求学习1个学期的物理,推荐学习2个学期的物理. Certain graduate/professional programs (e.g. 医学院,兽医学院)通常要求两个学期的微积分课程 physics. PHY221 & PHY222将满足项目要求并被推荐 for students planning on graduate programs.

Environmental Education and Interpretation

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Pre-calculus or Calculus I 4 credits MAT167 or MAT180
Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM121
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Electives 18 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.

Environmental Health

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Electives 6 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
微生物(EFB303环境微生物学) 4 credits BIO241
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY153 & PHY154
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

Environmental Resources Engineering

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141 or BIO142
Calculus I, II, & III 12 credits MAT180 & MAT181 & MAT240
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Differential Equations 3 credits MAT244
Earth Science 3 credits GEO143 or PHY106 or AST125
Ecology w/ Lab 3 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Engineering Mechanics - Statics 3 credits Not offered
Engineering Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY221 & PHY222
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

Social Science

The Arts

6 credits  

Environmental Science

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Advanced Science and Math  9 credits * See note below
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181 
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 12 credits  
Engineering Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY221 & PHY222
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*高等科学和数学课程的例子是微积分3或4,有机 化学1或2,量子物理,分析化学或微生物学.  Please 请咨询网赌平台本科招生办公室,以获得选课方面的帮助.

Environmental Studies

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
American Government/Political Science 3 credits POL123
Biology I  w/ Lab 4 credits BIO142  
生物II(含实验室或环境地质)* 4 credits BIO141 or GEO143
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHM121 or CHM113
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives ** 18 - 21 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Algebra & Trig or Pre-Calculus or Calculus I  *** 3 - 4 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167 or MAT180
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking 3 credits SPE121 or COM105
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*学生必须选修生物II或地质学.  Students interested in the Natural 系统应用选项必须选生物学II.

**对自然系统应用感兴趣的学生必须完成化学课程 II代替他们的选修课程之一.

***对自然系统应用感兴趣的学生必须完成微积分 I. 

Forest Ecosystem Science

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
生态学/实验室(FOR232自然资源生态学) 3 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 14 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Principles of Management 3 credits MGT123
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  


Forest Health

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Electives 19 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 3 credits BIO262
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
微生物(EFB303环境微生物学) 4 credits BIO241
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM228
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.

Forest Resources Management

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科  3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO142
二级生物学(实验室)(FOR232自然资源生态学) 3 credits BIO141
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHM121 or CHM113
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 15 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Principles of Management 3 credits MGT123
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking 3 credits SPE121 or COM105
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

Landscape Architecture

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology w/ Lab 4 credits BIO141
Drawing Studio  3 credits ART128
Ecology w/ Lab (LSA321 at 网赌平台) 3 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Elective 16 credit  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Mathematics 3 credits MAT128或MAT129或MAT147或MAT148或MAT154或MAT167或MAT180
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  
*通识教育要求-美国历史或外语或社会科学 3 credit  
*通识教育要求-世界历史 & Global Awareness (LSA205 or 206 at 网赌平台).


3 credits ART133或ART135或认可的西方文明通识教育课程

*从斯克内克塔迪认可的通识教育课程列表中选择一门课程 Community College.

Natural Resources Management

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Accounting 3 credits ACC111 or ACC121
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科  3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167
Biology I w/ Lab 4 credits BIO142
Business and Managerial Law 3 credits BUS121
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHM121 or CHM113
生态学(FOR232自然资源生态学在网赌平台) 3 credits ENV203 or BIO203
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 21 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Physics I w/ Lab 4 credits PHY153
Principles of Management 3 credits MGT123
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking 3 credits SPE121 or COM105
Sociology or Psychology 3 credits Any course with a PSY or SOC prefix
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

Paper Engineering

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Calculus I, II, & III 12 credits MAT180 & MAT181 & MAT240
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Computer Programming 3 credits CIS129 or CIS133 or CIS134 or CIS246
Differential Equations 3 credits MAT244
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Engineering Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY221 & PHY222
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM228 & CHM229
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

World History and Global Awareness

3 credits  

Renewable Materials Science

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Calculus I & II 8 credits MAT180 & MAT181
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Computer Programming 3 credits CIS129 or CIS133 or CIS134 or CIS246
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab 4 credits CHM228
Physics I & II w/ Lab 8 credits PHY153 & PHY154 or PHY221 & PHY222
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

3 credits  


我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
College Algebra or Higher 3 credits MAT148 or MAT154 or MAT180
Ecology 3-4 credits BIO203 or ENV203
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 21 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Introduction to Sustainability 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
Physical Science Elective 3 credits BIO141或BIO142或CHM121或GEO143或PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking (EWP222 at 网赌平台) 3 credits SPE121 or COM105
Sociology 3 credits Any course with a SOC prefix
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

6 credits  

Sustainable Energy Management

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Accounting or Finance 3 credits ACC111 or ACC121
应用代数和三角学或微积分预科  3 credits MAT129 or MAT154 or MAT167
Biology (Organismal) w/ Lab 4 credits BIO142
Business and Managerial Law 3 credits BUS121
化学I /实验室或化学原理概览 4 credits CHM121 or CHM113
Economics 3 credits ECO211 or ECO221 or ECO223
Electives 21 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credit ENG124 or HON124
Physics of Energy 3 credits PHY153
Principles of Management 3 credits MGT123
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
Public Speaking 3 credits SPE121 or COM105
社会学或心理学(人文学科选修) 3 credits Any course with a PSY or SOC prefix
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

Wildlife Science

我们鼓励对网赌平台这个专业感兴趣的学生报读理科A.S. major at Schenectady Community College.

Course Credits Course Number(s)
Biology I & II w/ Lab 8 credits BIO142 & BIO141
Calculus I 4 credits MAT180
Chemistry I & II w/ Lab 8 credits CHM121 & CHM122
Ecology w/ Lab 4 credits ENV203 or BIO203 *
Electives 22 credits  
English w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG123
Genetics w/ Lab 3 credits BIO262
Global Environment 3 credits ENV100 or ENV205
Literature w/ Focus on Writing 3 credits ENG124 or HON124
有机化学实验室或物理实验室 3 credits CHM228 or PHY153
Probability & Statistics 3 credits MAT147
通识教育要求-多样性:公平、包容和社会正义 3 credits  


American History

Foreign Language

World History and Global Awareness

The Arts

3 credits  

*在转学前完成生态学课程将大大提高课程安排和效率 入学后完成学位所需的时间.


Schenectady Community College, Schenectady