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Faculty Profile
Margaret Bryant

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Margaret  Bryant

Associate Professor & Chair Landscape Architecture

Department of Landscape Architecture
101 Marshall Hall


  • Ph.D. in Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Georgia
  • 密西西比州立大学园艺学士学位

Area of Specialization

I have a passion for land. In more specific terms, 我热衷于土地和水资源,热衷于帮助人们做出更好的利用决策. 我以两种方式实现这种激情:(1)在土地利用/景观规划方面进行研究和推广;(2)向未来的规划者和设计师传授生态系统以及有关使用和管理决策中固有的相关复杂性.

Both rural and urban land use questions interest me, 但我发现我的大部分工作都集中在城市生态系统和地方政府的土地管理决策上. 土地使用冲突产生了对创新规划和设计的需求, 城市是有争议的空间,随着城市化在全球的迅速扩张,城市的重要性只会越来越大. I have conducted research in the areas of urban biodiversity; remnant urban green space and its use for improving water quality and for providing neighborhood amenities (as greenways and as a way of promoting active living, especially in low socio-economic status neighborhoods); and ecologically sensitive, conservation-oriented, land planning and management.

作为一名景观建筑教育家,我工作的动力来自于“场地第一”和“场地为源”的概念,” a respect for the land itself, hydrological systems, and the complexities of socio-ecological systems. 读懂风景是这个职业的基本技能, 我很享受帮助学生以前所未有的方式看待风景的过程, in ways that lead to informed, responsible, and poetic design responses. 就像植物学家一样,他们可以环游世界,识别植物的属或科,即使某个特定的物种对他们来说是新的, 景观设计师可以利用他们的技能来分析和理解他们遇到的生物物理系统. In studio classes, we practice these skills, 利用它们来发现大型景观中的模式,然后将这些模式与场地尺度上的规划和设计干预联系起来. 我的投资组合包括许多合作规划机构和环境组织,他们需要这种分析作为其综合规划过程的一部分. 将现实世界的需求带入课堂,使学生和从业者都受益.

我的研究兴趣集中在人们如何处理景观数据, 重点是如何使用数据来决定我们社区的公共和私人投资. 这些决策基于数据分析和综合, 它们通常起源于专业计划和设计中提出的想法. 计划制定作为知识的社会建构的一种表达,是我在职业生涯中一直追求的兴趣, primarily as a person involved in the creation of plans. 我的工作将景观建筑与城市和区域规划联系起来, 一个专业领域,有时被认为是景观规划.

Teaching Experience

  • SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry (2007-Present)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (8 years)

Practice Experience

  • Jordan, Jones & Goulding, Inc – Environmental/Land Use Planning
  • 先锋谷规划委员会-环境/土地用途规划
  • METLAND景观规划小组-规划研究和推广
  • 社区和地区发展研究所-规划研究和推广

Courses Taught

  • LSA 326 Landscape Design Studio I
  • LSA 321 Ecological Applications in Planning and Design
  • LSA 470/670 – Thematic Landscape Design Studio
  • LSA 496/696 – Community Mapping and GIS
  • Seminars: Community Development Process, Shaping Cities

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Ecologically-based physical planning and design
  • 园景/土地用途规划,包括保育用地规划
  • Environmental determinants of health
  • Neighborhood-scale planning

Professional Reports

Bryant, M.M. and Carolyn Copenhaver. 2021. 重新审视鲑鱼河走廊:纽约州奥斯威戈县. 报告提交给纽约州环境保护部. 94 pages.

Bryant, M.M. 2019. 变革时代的公众参与:中央松林的范围界定研究. Report submitted to Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning & Policy Commission. 49 pages.

Bryant, M.M. 2016. Common Ground Jackson. 报告提交给杰克逊市中心合伙公司,杰克逊,密西西比州. 200 pages.

Grohol, E. and M.M. Bryant. 2015. Chancellorsville at a Crossroads. 报告提交给国家公园管理局奥姆斯特德景观保护中心和弗雷德里克斯堡 & Spotsylvania National Military Park, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 166 pages.

Bryant, M.M. and K. Van Der Geest. 2014. 像流域一样思考:九里溪流域规划项目. 报告提交给九里溪保护委员会,利物浦,纽约. 140 pages.

Selected Publications

Bryant, M.M. 2019. 从热力学到创造性:McHarg的生态规划理论及其对弹性规划和适应性设计的启示. Socio-Ecological Practice Research.

Bryant, M.M. 2019. 繁荣与衰落:当绿道连接低和高SES社区. Paper. Fábos景观与绿道规划会议论文集 6: 3.

Bryant, M.M. 2011. 气候适应:景观设计师的研究议程. Proceedings: CELA 2011 Urban Nature: 769 - 781. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (

Bryant, M.M. 2009. Urban Green Infrastructure, Public Health, 和地方政府:与一个美国城市长期合作的经验教训. Proceedings: CELA 2008-2009 Teaching + Learning Landscape: 175-178. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (

Bryant, M.M. 2006. 城市景观保护与生态绿道在地方和都市尺度上的作用. Landscape and Urban Planning 76: 23-44.

Musacchio, L., E. Ordenerol, M.M. Bryant, and T. Evans. 2005. Changing Landscapes, 变化的学科:寻求理解景观生态变化研究的跨学科性. Landscape and Urban Planning 73: 326-338.

Current Graduate Advisees

Shaun AhmadShaun Ahmad

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture

Amber BallengerAmber Ballenger

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Kayira and Bryant
  • Area of Study: Environmental Science

Madeline BollingerMadeline Bollinger

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture

Breanna DahnBreanna Dahn

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture

Layna PrattLayna Pratt

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture

Hannah SmithHannah Smith

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture

Hannah Brook Smith
Future Landscape Architect

Personal Statement
共同创造绿色空间,促进积极的公共卫生成果,同时满足我们现在和未来都需要的气候适应性设计解决方案的需求. Healthy places equals healthy people. We cannot have one without the other. There is no separation.

*Current* Graduate Research

Favorite Quote
“你很有可能过着安逸安逸的生活,到死都没有意识到自己真正的潜力...I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done." - David Goggins

IZ ZayasIZ Zayas

  • Degree Sought: MLA
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Bryant
  • Area of Study: Landscape Architecture