
Impact of the Technology Alert List on Visa Acquisition

  • 续签还是不续签
  • Additional Materials to Bring to your Visa Appointment
  • Academic Department Support Letter Guidelines
  • 签证申请人材料

Due to heightened concern for national security, international faculty, scholars, 和申请U的学生.S. 签证:

  • from countries designated as “state sponsors of terrorism” (Cuba, Libya, Iran, Iraq, 朝鲜、苏丹、叙利亚);
  • from countries considered to possess nuclear capability (China, India, Israel, Pakistan, and Russia); or
  • engaged in activities designated on or related to the 关键字段列表

often encounter lengthy delays due to the imposition of additional security clearances (Visa Mantis Check) related to the Technology Alert List (塔尔). 这样做的目的 is to protect national security by preventing the export of "goods, technology, or sensitive information" through activities such as "graduate-level studies, teaching, conducting research, participating in exchange programs, receiving training or employment, 或从事商业交易."

When a student or scholar applies for a visa, the Consular Official must make a decision about whether the research area fits within one of the categories of the 塔尔. 如果 Consular Official is unsure about whether the research area fits into the category or has concerns, he/she may send the visa application to the Department 的国家 in 华盛顿D.C. 咨询协助. 一般来说,这种审查可能需要1-7个月 视情况而定. Foreign nationals may be denied a visa if their proposed activity 受U.S. 技术转让法.

General 塔尔 information can be found on the Department 的国家 网站.


Foreign nationals in F-1 and J-1 status should carefully assess whether or not visa renewal is necessary as they may remain in 美国.S. 如果签证过期的话 still pursuing the same objectives and all of their other immigration documents are 有效(e.g.,护照,I-20或DS-2019). 但请注意,个人与 expired visas would not be eligible to travel outside 美国.S. 并重新进入,除非 旅行地点是加拿大、墨西哥或美国 相邻的岛 他们有资格 自动签证重新生效.

If foreign nationals who appear to be subject to the Visa Mantis Check intend to renew their visa they should be prepared to provide the Consular Official with as much information as possible (from the applicant and relevant academic department) regarding their academic endeavors in addition to required visa application materials (F-1 学生, J-1 Exchange 访问ors) and any other materials required by a foreign national’s home 大使馆.

Support Materials to Bring to your Visa Appointment


An advisor or supervisor of a current or prospective student or scholar who must apply 为了一个U.S. visa should consider providing additional support as noted below including a letter addressing the 塔尔 issue (as related to an individual’s course of study and research) in support of the foreign national’s visa application. 额外的支持 包括:

  • Copy of 美国niversity brochure in which the academic program is listed
  • Letter from the academic advisor/department indicatng the degree program with a detailed explanation of the content of the courses that could be considered related to the 塔尔. If no course work is related, please note and explain this. 这封信应该 also indicate: 1)goals of student's research and any practical applications; 2) sources 以及任何美国国债的金额.S. 政府资金(或来自美国的资金).S. 公司协助 美国.S. government) to be used to support that research; and 3) describes any export-controlled technology and/or information that will be shared with applicant.
  • Letters of recommendation from professors in support of student’s character

Academic Department Support Letter Guidelines

An effective support letter will directly address the 塔尔 issue and clearly illustrate how the research is or is not related to sensitive areas listed in 塔尔. 解决 letter to "Dear Consular Officer," and explain the nature of the student or scholar's 用外行人的话来说就是研究. 避免使用过于技术性的语言. 如果 the research is theoretical, this should be clearly stated. 如果这项研究得到应用, 应该对申请进行解释. An advisor should address 塔尔 categories to offer an informed opinion as to whether the research fits into it or not. 这封信应该 also indicate: 1)goals of student's research and any practical applications and 2) 任何美国国债的来源和数额.S. 政府资金(或来自美国的资金).S. 公司 协助联合国.S. government) to be used to support that research. 在某些情况下, applicants have been asked to obtain a letter that describes any export-controlled technology and/or information that will be shared with applicant however there does not appear to be a CA/VO policy to ask these questions. 这封信应该写上地址 给相应的领事馆. 联系 information is available on 美国S Department 的国家 大使馆网页.


申请美国国籍的外国人.S. 签证须取得以下证件:

  • Copy of departmental description of the degree program
  • 学习和研究计划的具体内容
  • 当前官方成绩单
  • 完整的简历
  • List of publications and presentations (including samples)
  • Letters of recommendation (current and any previous institutions- foreign or domestic)
  • 教育经费的来源
  • If student has an assistantship, obtain a description of the employment from your 研究顾问或部门. 还要附上你的预约信.

Once a foreign national’s visa application is sent to the Department 的国家 for 回顾一下,我们几乎无能为力. 顾问或主管可能希望联系 a U.S. 请求国会代表协助. 然而,即使是国会 intervention, national security needs may outweigh the advisor or department's concern about delayed arrival of a student or researcher.